

Lasting & 有意义的联系

Maumee Valley alumni have always served a crucial role in sustaining the school’s reputation and ongoing excellence. Their involvement and contributions significantly impact the overall experience for current students. 通过与校友建立牢固的联系, mg冰球突破试玩可以利用集体的专业知识, 资源, and loyalty of their graduates to create a more enriching and sustainable educational environment. 以下是MV校友今天如何发挥作用的:

  • 指导和网络: 分享你宝贵的专业网络和经验. 校友可以作为在校学生的导师, 为职业道路提供指导, 实习, 还有工作机会.
  • 客座讲座及工作坊: Speaking or conducting workshops at the school to expose students to real-world experiences and insights. 这有助于弥合学术学习和实际应用之间的差距.
  • 招聘协助: Assisting with the school’s admissions efforts by representing the institution at college fairs, 外展活动, 或者通过个人推荐. 你的成功故事是吸引新生的有力工具.
  • 促进实习机会: 为在校学生提供不同行业的实习机会. This practical experience is valuable for students’ personal and professional development.
  • 团聚事件: 组织团聚活动加强社区意识. 这些活动通常会增加对学校的参与和支持.
  • 财政捐款和慈善活动: 捐款通过资助奖学金提供急需的经济支持, 改善基础设施, 技术升级, 以及其他提升整体教育环境的举措. 校友们还支持慈善活动, 鼓励同事为特定的事业或项目做出贡献. 这些努力对我们追求宏伟目标的能力有重大影响.
  • 反馈和倡导: Provide valuable feedback on your experiences, helping us identify areas for improvement.



mg冰球突破试玩学校 南雷诺兹路1715号.托莱多,俄亥俄州,美国

Activities throughout the week across divisions building up to the Pep Assembly on Friday and 周末回家.


mg冰球突破试玩学校 南雷诺兹路1715号.托莱多,俄亥俄州,美国



Families and alumni are welcomed back to participate as all our favorite songs will be performed: "Auto Song,”“火鸡晚餐,“越过……” Continued


mg冰球突破试玩学校 南雷诺兹路1715号.托莱多,俄亥俄州,美国

这个捐赠星期二, let's come together to support our alma mater and make a difference for current and future students. … Continued


Millhon礼堂 1715 S. 雷诺兹Rd.托莱多,俄亥俄州,美国

校友新闻 & Updates

尚未找到职位. 请再次查看更新!


《mg冰球突破试玩》是莫米山谷乡村走读学校的校友和捐赠杂志. 每年出版两期:夏季/秋季刊和冬季/春季刊. 要确保您收到出版物,请发送电子邮件 alumni@gyhww.com 附上您正确的邮寄信息.



The mission of the Maumee Valley Country Day School Alumni Association is to maintain and promote lasting and meaningful connections with the school and fellow alumni. 

  • 校长:格蕾丝·奥利里16岁
  • 副总裁:Nihal Kattar ' 13
  • 秘书:Jena Pugh 04
  • 成员:莫娜·戈哈拉93年, 梅勒妮·格罗斯1991年, 布伦特·韦斯特77年, Sachin Hejeebu ' 15, 琳娜·约翰逊,13岁, Mike Orra ' 99, 还有杰萨尔·帕特尔,91年




As the president of the Maumee Valley Alumni Council I am honored to reach out to each and every one of you, mg冰球突破试玩的光荣校友. 我们的母校在我们心中占有特殊的地位, shaping not just our academic journey but instilling values and fostering lifelong friendships.

I urge you to reconnect with the school that has given us so much and to actively participate in its journey forward. Our school’s legacy of excellence is not just a reflection of its faculty and staff but also of the collective efforts of its alumni community. Together, we have the power to ensure that Maumee Valley continues to thrive and maintain its distinguished reputation.

你的参与可以有多种形式, 无论是参加校友活动, 贡献你的时间和专业知识, 指导在读学生, 或者资助学校. 每一个贡献, 不管多小, 在塑造我们敬爱的机构的未来中扮演着至关重要的角色.

我邀请您在日历上标记我们即将举行的活动. These gatherings not only provide an opportunity to reconnect with old friends but also offer a platform to share ideas and insights on how we can further strengthen our alma mater. Your presence at these events will undoubtedly enrich our community and inspire current and future students.

Let’s come together as proud alumni of Maumee Valley and work hand in hand to ensure that our school continues to thrive and excel. 携起手来,我们就能有所作为,为子孙后代留下持久的遗产.




MVCDS连接 is an app that brings MV alumni together for easy connecting and networking. It also allows you to post jobs and 实习 and offer your support to the MV community if you are willing to help or mentor others. 今天一起来:

  • 在其他校友的帮助下,提升你的职业和专业兴趣
  • 建议和指导MV社区中的其他人
  • 扩大你的专业网络(不仅仅局限于你的班级)
  • 与其他校友保持联系

已经有个人资料了? 搬家或开始一份新工作? 请确保更新您的MVCDS连接配置文件. It is quick and easy, especially if your profile is connected to LinkedIn, Facebook, or Google.

创建帐户: http://mvcdsconnect.com

创建后,可以通过应用程序随时使用该工具. 今天有200多名校友在使用它. 访问iTunes/App Store或Google Play并下载Graduway 社区应用程序.


MVCDS连接 is an online platform that brings Maumee Valley alumni together on a single network for easy searching and connecting. It allows alumni to post jobs and 实习 and offer their support to the community if they are willing to help/mentor others.

今天加入: 创建帐户

MVCDS连接 makes it easy to capitalize on the benefits of being part of the MV network.

  • 目录:寻找老朋友, 建立新的职业和个人关系, 与其他校友建立联系.
  • Your profile: Make updates to your contact and employment information when they change, and share updates with the rest of the alumni network about projects you’re currently involved in.
  • Jobs and opportunities: Find and share job openings and other opportunities such as 实习.
  • Knowledge sharing: Volunteer to be a mentor to other alumni or search for alumni who can help you with career advice and information.
  • 活动:了解在你身边发生的MV校友活动!
  • 消息:通过电子邮件平台接收和发送消息给其他校友, LinkedIn, Facebook.
  • Special interests: Follow or start a special interest page to bring together alumni who have a common goal or interest.

No. MVCDS连接不能取代我们的社交媒体渠道和, in fact, 它实际上把MV的Facebook和Twitter信息拉进了这个网站. 它不同于社交媒体,因为它能让你找到, search, 并快速,轻松地连接到mg冰球突破试玩校友网络.

You will find the entire Maumee Valley alumni community at your fingertips; all alumni for whom we have an email address will be invited to join. 如果你知道mg冰球突破试玩校友谁不活跃在MVCDS连接, 请鼓励他们加入.

The platform is a closed network accessible only by individuals pre-approved by MV’s Office of Alumni Relations. Please be aware that information you share will be viewable by everyone on the platform and Maumee Valley has no control over how members of the site may use the information.


Register here by creating a username and password (we suggest registering through LinkedIn as it is the quickest and easiest). 按照分步说明添加相关信息. 如果您注册的电子邮件地址,我们没有在我们的记录, 我们需要手动批准您的加入请求(我们将这样做), 请耐心等待). 一旦你注册了, 发个信息打招呼并介绍自己, 上传照片, 通过浏览找到你认识的人, and invite other alumni by using the “invite alumni” arrow on the upper right-hand side of your screen.

请电子邮件 alumni@gyhww.com if you can’t find your college or university listed so that we may add it to the list.

登录并点击配置文件并更新您的配置文件. 如果您还有问题,请与我们联系 alumni@gyhww.com 所以我们可以帮你排除故障.

If you’ve forgotten your password, use the “forgotten your password” link to reset the password. 如果您确定您有正确的用户名和密码, 那么你可能已经更改了系统链接的电子邮件地址. 如果您更改了个人资料中的电子邮件地址,可能会影响您的登录信息. Contact support@graduway.com 寻求帮助.

与所有电子系统一样,这种情况有时确实会发生. 如果遇到错误信息,请发送电子邮件 support@mvcdsconnect.com 获得即时援助.